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Reimagining District as a Unit for Delivering Healthcare Partner Engagement Consultation

Jun 15, 2022

The pandemic in the last two years has demonstrated the need for resilient and inclusive health systems, local solutions for local problems and integration of multi-sectoral interventions (social determinants of health) within the ambit of how CPHC is delivered to people. There has been a renewed interest among partners to localize and decentralize the management of healthcare delivery and management. Policy shifts such as those articulated in the 15th Finance Commission, further empower decentralized management of health and nutrition. Given that several partners are developing and implementing different models of delivering health with districts as the units of focus, it is imperative that the reimagined district model of health care has to leverage the collective lessons learnt during the pandemic. On the eve of world health day, 2021, India witnessed the coming together of an Alliance for comprehensive primary health care. With support from Learning4Impact – Swasti spearheads the Alliance with partner organizations - the Asian Development Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and LGT Venture Philanthropy, co-creating and shaping the roadmap of this Alliance. The Alliance aims to draw on collective knowledge, efforts and resources to engage multi-sectoral stakeholders, transform political will into action, increase financing of primary health care, and aggregate and advocate evidence-based models of CPHC. The CPHC Alliance thus set out to understand the district-centric models and explore the potential for co-developing an integrated and comprehensive approach that could be collectively designed, implemented, evaluated and advocated for scale up across the nation.