Strengthen the nation’s primary health care.

Make the CPHC Alliance stronger


Membership to the

CPHC Alliance

Alliance is currently without any payment but is subject to approval. It is open to all institutions and organizations working towards strengthening primary health care in India.

Listed below are the benefits, responsibilities and expectations that come with a CPHC Alliance membership. To apply, fill out the form here

All LOIs received will be vetted and approved by the Core Group of members.




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    Allocation of web space within Alliance public website to share profile and initiatives.
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    Activities featured in Alliance communications products.
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    Participation in Alliance task forces, thematic working groups & other meetings.
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    Additional benefits:
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      Access to Alliance resources & news
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      Guidance & support for advocacy, communication & social mobilization
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      Opportunity for networking & collaboration



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    Actively initiate & participate in collaborative activities.
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    Contribute to the Alliance activities.
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    Promote the principles & values of the Alliance.
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    Share CPHC-related knowledge & information.

Members Are

Encouraged To

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    Link their website to the Alliance website.
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    Keep their profile & contact information up-to-date.
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    Contribute to Alliance activities by sharing relevant information.
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    Attend & contribute to the CPHC across all levels.
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    Implement & monitor the Health Policy of India/ WHO’s Global vision for CPHC.
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    Update the Alliance on their CPHC activities regularly.
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    Promote the work of the Alliance.
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    Advocate for effective & quality CPHC across India.