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Knowledge Series: Reimagining District as a Unit for Delivering Healthcare Partner Engagement Consultation on Approaches to Design

Aug 08, 2022

The CPHC Alliance, aims to draw on collective knowledge, efforts and resources to engagemulti-sectoral stakeholders, transform political will into action, increase financing of primaryhealth care, and enable the aggregation and advocacy of evidence-based models ofComprehensive Primary Healthcare in India.Responding to member requests, the first consultation on District Health interventions was heldvirtually on 15 June, 2022 with the participation of 9 organizations, composed of members of theCPHC Alliance as well as extended networks, with the intent of fulfilling this objective ofconsolidating and harnessing the power of the collective.Based on the inputs shared by the attendees of the said session, three areas were identified as thecore themes for this ongoing series of consultations on district level health interventions, i.e.,design, governance and financing, among other topics.The second consultation on ‘Designing District-level Initiatives’ was accordingly organized as anin-person session in New Delhi on 8 August, 2022 with 15 organizations in attendance, includingkey strategic and implementation partners within the network of the CPHC Alliance.

The primary objective of the session was to distill learnings from the health-focused, district-level interventions of the participating organizations, with a focus on the design process to integrate and improve upon for future initiatives of this nature. The consultation was therefore structured in the form of plenary discussions, interactive exercises and co-creation activities to understand the methodologies and tools involved in this process to learn from the past to design better interventions for the future.